Monday, July 18, 2011

long day

Uf, it was a long day.. I'm so very tired... Plus I'm still in pain (neck more than arm).. but every day is better than before..
Had hope SC will upload my next movie on my site, but they didn't.. I'm curious now why... Will wait till tomorrow and we will see ;) If no new movie -- then I will ask SC why it isnt there...
I'm going rest now...  Good night :)


  1. Ada,

    Sweety I hope that you feel better sooner than later!! Please care of your self OK!

    Kisses & Hugs

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  4. Kirk, good to see I'm not the only follower of Ada's blog. She deserves audience, doesn't she?

    Zdrowiej sobie, a my spokojnie poczekamy na następne fotki ;).

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